Legal culture and state-legal life of society

pdf Syrykh V. M. Researcher's personality: high professionalism and active citizenship;

pdf Guryev V. V. Conflict and cooperation in the state-legal life of society: the problem of its optimization in modern Russia;

Legal culture and state-legal policy of modern Russia

pdfAnikin S. B. Milshin Yu.N. Issues of public-legal integration into a single system of public authority of a part of a foreign state as a subject of the Russian Federation

pdfRudkovsky V. A. Legal education policy: problems of conceptualization in modern Russia

Legal culture and human rights

pdf Malko A.V. Human and citizen rights and obligations: balance and consideration of legal culture

Legal culture of lawmaking

pdf Romanovsky V. G. Legal regime of social networks in the context of national security

pdfTimerbulatova N. E. Arsenov V. V. Krasyukov A.V. Application of sociological methods in the examination of regulatory legal acts

Legal culture of law enforcement

pdfYatselenko B. V. Criminal record as a legal fact of criminal law and its legal consequences

Legal culture and international cooperation

pdf Lutarevich-Gefter Yu. A. Implementation of the principle of prohibition of forced labor and development of legal culture in relations involving foreign citizens

pdfChukrev V. A. Legal regulation of surrogacy: comparative aspect

Reviews, reviews, personalities

pdfMalko A.V. "Review of the round table on the topic "Legal policy as a way to minimize conflicts and expand the scope of cooperation in law: the formation of conceptual foundations (on the example of the discussion of the Concept of Legal policy of the Tambov region until 2035)", held within the framework of the International Scientific Conference "Current vector of public law research: real law as a reflection of strategies conflict and cooperation in Modern Society (general theoretical and socio-legal aspects)" (Tambov, Tambov State University named after G. R. Derzhavina, 07.10.2022).

pdfRepin V. V.Commissioner for Human Rights in the Tambov Region on the draft Concept of Legal Policy of the subject of the Russian Federation until (on the example of the Tambov region) 2035